Ms. Lehman

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Ms. Lehman


Ms. Lehman's Science Classes

Contact Information: 

1.     email at [email protected]

2.     Phone number:  724-375-6691 ext.4214

Biography information:

B.S. in Zoology, The Ohio State University  


Secondary certifications, Geneva College

Biology and General Science

Master's Degree in Special Education, Geneva College.

                Grading policies:

1.      Homework:  Assignments may or may not be collected and graded.


3.      Quizzes and tests:  All tests will be announced.  Quizzes may be 

4.      Notebooks:  Students are required to keep notes in a three ring notebook and
           these may be collected at the end of the nine weeks period and checked for 

5.      Participation points:  participation points for attendance, materials, 
          participation in classroom activities may be awarded.

6.      Projects and labs:  Various projects may be assigned during the year.  Failure
          to complete the projects will result in a lower nine week grade 
          and  may result in failure of the course.

7.      Extra credit:  There is no extra credit assignment available at the end of the
          grading period to raise grades.  DO NOT COUNT ON IT!

 Classroom rules and Expectations:

1.      HALL PASS:  may be used before class starts and only for an 
          emergency during class, remember:  I DO NOT TEACH IN THE

2.     CHEATING:  do not do it!  If you choose to do it both you and the 
          person who allowed it will get a zero (0) for the assignment (remember, 
          copying someone else’s homework is cheating!)

3.      ABSENCES:  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the work they 

If you are absent:

·        It is your responsibility to get your work or assignments

·        You get 1 day to turn in your work for every day out (if absent 2
        days you have 2 days from the date of return to turn in work or it is
        considered late)

·        Any work NOT turned in on time will be counted as a  “0”

·        If you leave school before science or come in after science
        assignments must still be turned in that day and you MUST get   
        any  homework assignment…YOU WERE IN SCHOOL THIS

Late assignments

·      Work turned in 1 day late MAY be accepted and graded for partial

·          If work is due at the start of class, once I begin to teach…it is late!

           is expected to have all materials in the classroom when the bell rings. 
           This includes book, notebook, pencil/pen and completed 
           homework. Classroom rules are:

1.      Listen and follow directions the FIRST time.

2.      Raise hand to speak and use appropriate language.  Listen while
       others speak

3.      Show respect for self, others and equipment.

When there is a problem with a student,the parent may be contacted if classroom interventions do not address the issue.  These interventions include:

1.      redirection and/or student conference

2.      change of seat assignment

3.      detention

4.      office discipline


Course Syllabus:

7th Grade Academic & Honors                         Creek Connection

 Scientific Method & Metrics  water chemistry testing
 Classification  native fish of PA
 Cell Structure and Function  water borne diseases
 Heredity and Genetics and Adaptations   watersheds 
 Astronomy   macroinvertebrates 

HONORS SCIENCE - See links on side menu for science fair information


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