HASD DRAFT Special Education Plan 2024-2027
The Hopewell Area School District's DRAFT Special Education Plan is now available to view during the 28-day review period. The link to view is located on the right-side of this page.
Please reach out to Mrs. Marcy Bebout, Director of Special Education, via email at [email protected] with any questions.
The Hopewell Area School District operates programs for students with disabilities and gifted students in accordance with Chapter 14 and Chapter 16. In addition, the Hopewell Area School District is the host district for the Beaver County Jail and provides regular education and special education services for school age students.
The Hopewell Area School District provides a free, appropriate public education to students with disabilities or mental giftedness according to state and federal rules. To be eligible, the child must:
· Be of school age.
· Have a disability or mental giftedness and be in need of specially designed instruction.
· Meet eligibility criteria for one or more of the following physical or mental disabilities as set forth in the Pennsylvania State Standards: autism, deaf-blindness, blindness, visual impairment, emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, other health impairment, traumatic brain injury, and speech/language impairment, orthopedic impairment, hearing impairment, deafness, multiple disabilities or intellectual disability.
Services designed to meet the needs of eligible disabled students include:
- The annual development of an individualized education program (IEP or Gifted IEP).
- A triennial multidisciplinary re-evaluation for students with disabilities (except for those students with mental retardation where evaluation remains biennial).
- Students who meet the criteria for special education may also receive related services in accordance with FAPE and at no cost to the parents. Such related services must be necessary to benefit from his/her special education program. These related services can include:
- Audiology Services
- Counseling Services
- Extended School Year
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Psychological Services
- School Health Services
- Social Work Services
- Speech and Language
- Transportation
o A range of supports for students from itinerant level to supplemental level to full time level special education support within the school district or placement in a full-time special education disabilities class outside of the regular school. Programs offered within the Hopewell Area School District's buildings are:
- Gifted Support
- Learning Support
- Life Skills Support
- Emotional Support
- Autistic Support
- Speech and Language Support
Thank you for visiting the
Hopewell Area School District's
Special Education Department Webpage!
We hope to see you again soon.