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Hopewell School District Athletic Sites:

From Pittsburgh:

Take the Parkway West (I-376 West) toward the airport.  Continue past  the Airport to the Hopewell Exit (Exit 48).  Bear to the right off the  exit ramp on to Route 151 East.  Continue approximately 1.5 miles to the  second red light.  Make a left at light on to Brodhead Road.  Continue  on Brodhead approximately 1.5 miles past the Hopewell Shopping Center on  right, past BP station and past the Fez Restaurant.

High School:

Turn right after Fez restaurant on to Longvue Avenue.  School is 2  blocks down on the right.  Take second entrance as road is one way.  Football, Basketball and Baseball fields are all along this driveway.  Softball and Soccer fields are right after school entrance near the  large student parking lot.

Jr. High School:

Continue on Brodhead and pass the school on the right. Take the first  right on to Clark Boulevard. Go to stop sign and turn right. Jr. High  Football, Jr. High Soccer and 9th Grade Baseball fields are on the left.  Gym B and the Pool are at the lower entrance (near road). Gym A is  through main entrance past the zigzag hallway.

From New Castle, Sharon, And Ohio:

Take I-376 East to the Aliquippa Exit (Exit 45).  Make a right at end  of ramp (heading away from Green Garden Plaza).  At second light make a  right on to Brodhead Road. Continue on Brodhead Road approx. 2 miles.

Junior High:

On Brodhead, pass Crestmont Shopping Center  on right. Right after  Pizza Masters (on right), turn left on to Clark Boulevard. At stop sign ,  turn right. Jr. High Football field, Jr. High Soccer field and 9th  Grade Baseball field are on the left. Gym B and Pool are at the lower  entrance (near road). Gym A is through the main entrance past the zigzag  hallway.

High School:

Pass the Junior High School on the left. Go one block and turn left  on to Longvue Avenue (directly before the Fez). School is two blocks  down on the right. Take the second entrance as the road is one way.  Football, Basketball and Baseball are all on this driveway. Soccer and  Softball fields are located right past the school by the large student  parking lot.

From I-79:

Get off I-79 at the Sewickley exit. At the stop sign at end of ramp  turn left. At next stop sign, turn right on to Route 65 toward  Sewickley. At the second red light, make a left on to Sewickley Bridge.  At end of bridge, turn right. Right before next light, bear right. At  the next stop sign at the bottom of hill, turn right on to McGovern  Boulevard. Follow McGovern Boulevard about 2 miles until you see a power  plant on the right and road goes in to 4 lanes. Turn left on to Route  151. At light at top of hill, turn right on to Brodhead Road. Go  approximately 1.5 miles past the Hopewell Shopping Center and the Fez  Restaurant on right.

High School:

Turn right after Fez restaurant on to Longvue Avenue.  School is 2  blocks down on the right. Take second entrance as road is one way.  Football, Basketball and Baseball fields are all along this driveway.  Softball and Soccer fields are right after school entrance near the  large student parking lot.

Jr. High School:

Continue on Brodhead and pass the school on the right. Take the first  right on to Clark Boulevard. Go to stop sign and turn right. Jr. High  Football, Jr. High Soccer and 9th Grade Baseball fields are on the left.  Gym B and the Pool are at the lower entrance (near road). Gym A is  through the main entrance past the zigzag hallway.

Hopewell Community Park:

Located across Brodhead Road from the Jr. High down Laird Avenue.

Shadow Lakes C.C.:

From I-376 West or East take the Aliquippa Exit (Exit 45). Turn right  at the end of the ramp. Go through 1st red light. Approximately ¼ mile  turn left on to Golf Course Road. Course is about a mile on the right.

Monaca Turners:

Take I-376 East or West to the Monaca – Beaver Valley Mall Exit (Exit  39). Turn at end of the ramp on to Route 18 East towards Monaca/Beaver  Valley Mall Blvd. Proceed through two red lights. Travel approx. 1.5  miles. Monaca Turners is on right.

Sites for Athletic Events At Hopewell School District:

Fall Sports:

Varsity Football, JV Football, Jr. High Football  - Tony Dorsett Stadium at High School

Boys’ & Girls’ Varsity and JV Soccer – Tony Dorsett Stadium or High School soccer field

Jr. High Boys’ & Girls’ Soccer – Jr. High soccer field

Girls’ Varsity & JV Volley – High School Main Gym

Golf – Shadow Lakes Country Club (formerly Beaver Lakes)

Girls’ Tennis – Jr. High tennis courts

Cross Country – Hopewell Community Park

7th& 8thGrade Girls’ Basketball – Jr. High Gym B

Winter Sports

Boys’ & Girls’ Varsity and JV Basketball – High School Main Gym

9thGrade Boys’ Basketball – Jr. High Gym B

7th& 8thGrade Boys’ Basketball – Jr. High Gym A

Swimming – Jr. High Pool

Varsity, JV & Jr. High Wrestling – Jr. High Gym B

Gymnastics – Monaca Turners

Spring Sports:

Varsity & JV Baseball – Joe Colella Field at the High School

9thGrade Baseball – Jr. High Baseball field

Varsity & JV Softball – High School Softball field

Boys’ Tennis – Jr. High Tennis Courts

Boys’ Varsity & JV Volleyball – High School Main Gym

Track – Tony Dorsett Stadium at the High School

7th& 8thGrade Girls’ Volleyball – Jr. High Gym A

Middle School Swimming – Jr. High Swimming Pool

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