Mrs. Wallace

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Mrs. Wallace

Sherry Wallace - Learning Support Teacher

Teacher Biography:

I have lived in the district since 1978 and graduated from Hopewell High School in 1985.  My husband and I live in Raccoon Township and have three children and six grandchildren with an other on the way.

I graduated from Geneva College in 2002 with a bachelor of science degree in elementary education and special education.
After graduation I was a substitute teacher for Hopewell, Center (Central Valley), Beaver, and South Side in 2003. 
I was hired in 2004 and taught gifted education for a year and learning support for eleven years.
This will be my third year teaching 5th grade.
This year I will be teaching 5th grade Language Arts and Science.

Course Grading:
Follows district grading policy

90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
0-59% E

In addition:
LANGUAGE ARTS: the grade a student earns is based on a total point system.  Grades will consist of reading, vocabulary, grammar and spelling tests. 
SCIENCE: the grade a student earns is based on a total point system.  Science consisits of three sections Variables and changing surface of the earth are both one nine weeks and animal diveresity will be two nine weeks. 
Homework for both classes will be worth 2 points for being complete and turned in on time, 1 point for partially complete work or turned in later that day, 0 points for incomplete work or work not turned in.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

Expectations of Students

1.    Be prepared.

2.    Be Polite.

3.    Follow Directions.

4.    Listen carefully.

5.    Work quietly/ raise your hand to speak.


1.    Take your seat and work quietly.

2.    Direct your attention to the teacher.

3.    Participate in class. 


1.    Productive class.

2.    Positive notes/calls home.

3.    Class rewards. (snacks, free timeā€¦) 


1.    Verbal warning.

2.    Lunch detention.

3.    Written up and parent notification/principal notification. 

4.    Conference with parents.


If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, the student will be responsible for turning in the assignment the day the student returns.
 If a student is absent the day an assignment is given, it is the responsibility of the student to get any work that was missed and has the number of days the student was absent to complete the work.

It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed work. If the student is in school and will be missing class due to an early dismissal, other activity, or arrives to school late, it is the student's responsibility to get any assignments for that class.

Contact Information:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns   
[email protected] (preferred method) or                        Phone 724-375-6691 X4109

I will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible.

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