Welcome to
It is with Purpose, Passion and Pride that I welcome you and your child to an exciting school year. This year I will be teaching Social Studies to your son or daoughter in 6th grade. I am looking forward to the year because there has been many changes with the new common core standards in the Social Studies curriculum. Our academic standards for the year will incluse the following: Geography, Economics, History, Civics and Government. I plan to tie current events to the curriculum to engage the students with the news from around the world.
Education can be competitive as well, and we all want our children tobe the best that they can be. Therefore, when a homework assignment is given in one of my classes, I expect that it be done on time. Missing or incomplete assignments result in points beingdeducted from the student’s grade. Homework missed due to absence is the student’s responsibility. I will be glad to send home any work at. parents’ request.
Planners: Planners should be used to record student assignments and/or information for the parents. This is a great communication tool for us to keep on track and updated as to what is due and when.
Remind 101: Plan to sign up for remind 101 because it is another great way to communicate between school and home. (It's A Free App!)
Grades: As in the past, parents can log onto CSIU and monitor your child's grades. Grades are posted by: Test, Project, Homework, and Classwork.
Looking forward to a great year!
Mrs. Joanne Herda