Technology Education
Instructor Mr. J. Biesnekamp email:[email protected]
I will do everything I can to promote the safety, learning and respect of myself and others.
Class Expectations
*Safety first*
Be on time and come prepared to work
Follow directions the first time they are given
You must sign out to use the hall pass
Stay in your seat or at your station until the bell rings
Inappropriate language, actions or horseplay will not be tolerated
All missed work must be made up within a week of returning to school
Planners are to be signed to see the nurse
If I choose not to follow the expectations of this class, the result may be:
Phone call home
Lunch detention
Loss of lab privileges
Written up of office discipline as per school policy
Grades are determined on a total number of points
Grades will be based on computer questions, tests, paper work and lab activities
How Parents can help:
Please take the time to review some of the expectations for the class with your child.
Please read and help your child to understand the importance of the basic safety expectations for working in the lab.
Review the safety guide with your child when it is sent home (about mid way trough the semester prior to lab work)
Safety is everybody’s goal
Production lab expectations
*Safety first*
Be on time and come prepared to work
Follow directions the first time they are given
You must sign out to use the hall pass
Inappropriate language, actions or horseplay will not be tolerated
General Production lab safety rules( these are an overview of some of the rules for the production lab, all students must first pass a safety and knowledge test of the lab and machines before work can begin)
1. Always put safety glasses on upon entering the lab and leave on the entire period
2. Never operate a machine without instructor’s permission
3. Machines must never be used if instructor is not in the lab
4. Secure all loose clothing and hair before operating a machine
5. Remove all jewelry
6. Refrain from talking while operating a machine, or talking to a person operating a machine
7. Only one person is permitted in a red zone at a time
8. Never start or stop machine for another person
9. Keep fingers and hands away from moving parts of the machine
10. Keep all safety guards in place while operating a machine
11. Shut off power and notify instructor immediately if machine is not working properly
12. Never leave a machine until it has come to a complete stop
13.Examine all tools and machines before use, if you notice a defect immediately notify the instructor. (Even if you think it is a minor defect)
14. Horseplay, throwing tools or materials, shouting or disrupting the class or machine operator in any way will not be tolerated
Although every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of students, a certain risk is involved due to the nature of the experience. I cannot stress to you enough the importance of keeping each other safe and to not disrupt the learning process of other students. Failure to meet the expectations of the lab cannot be tolerated and the results for infractions will be more severe than regular classroom consequences.
Example of discipline actions that may be taken:
- warning (only one will be given)
- Detention
- Phone call home
- Loss of lab privileges
- Written up of office discipline as per school policy
Student signature __________________________________________date_________
Parent signature___________________________________________date__________