Mr. DeNome

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Mr. DeNome

Mr. DeNome's Web Page

Biography: Master’s in Education: Special Education-Physically and Mentally Handicapped

                 Batchelor of Science in Education: Physical Education and Health 

                 Associate Degree: Nuclear Quality Control

                 Non-Educational: professional musician, Deacon within the Diocese of


Curriculum: Grade 6 (12 week session)


  • Explain and apply safe practices in the gym and equipment rooms (cardio room,/weight room, swimming pool).
  • Strategies to avoid or manage conflict while engaged in an activity with classmates.
  • Analyze the role of individual responsibility for safety during physical activity.
  • Identify the relationship between regular participation and physical activity and the degree of motor skill improvement.
  • Identify positive and negative interactions of group members in physical activities (team work, adherence to rules, leading, following).

Physical Activity:

  • Basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills (balance, coordination, power, speed, reaction time, agility).
  • Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities that contribute to physical fitness and health.
  • Apply the principles of exercise to health-related and skill-related fitness (cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strengths, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition).
  • Application of game strategies to basic games and physical activities.


  • Relationship between practice and skill development.
  • Apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities.
  • Identify motor skill development to a variety of basic skills.


The curriculum will consist of: aquatic activities, rope climbing, rings, obstacle course, scooter activities, tug-rope, volleyball, jogging, cardio room (treadmill, bicycles), various kicking activities, floor movements on mats (stunts/tumbling), basketball, softball, physical fitness (sit ups, push ups, shuttle run, ½ mile), hurdles, discus, shot put, tennis, and high jump.


Curriculum Grade 7 (year long)


In addition to the 6thgrade curriculum, the 7thgraders will include into their Wellness curriculum:


  • Describe and identify some basic structure and function of the human body systems (muscular, circulatory, skeletal, and digestive).
  • Use heart the heart monitor system of heart beat targets and recording the data upon the designated activities and equipments.
  • Nutritional concepts that impact health (calories, labels, food selections, fats, lipids, and arteriosclerosis).
  • Understanding the concepts of BMI and body composition.
  • Understanding the impact of drugs, hallucinogens, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and street drugs that impact the brain and other body functions.


In addition to the activities listed above, the 7thgraders will also be engaged in hockey (floor/field), water polo, water safety and refinement of several swimming strokes, lacrosse, team leadership skills, wellness concepts in a classroom environment, cardio room (attaining assigned targets and recording data by using treadmill, bicycles…), fitness room (various weight equipment and recording their data), and circuit training (stations with various exercises and recording their efforts). The 7thgraders will have the 1-mile run and various jogging opportunities on the school premises.



          All letter grades will be consistent with theHopewellAreaSchool District scoring:


                      100-90 A

                        89-80 B

                        79-70 C

                        69-60 D



  • Participation is required. 6thgraders will not have quizzes or tests. However, the 7thgraders will have quizzes and tests from time to time as well as data collecting, heart monitoring, fitness room, cardio room, and class participation (being engaged).
  • Allpoints are derived by the student’s efforts not by the number of pull ups, push ups, time of the ½ mile and so forth. The grades are derived by the dress code, attendance, and participation. The student must be engaged.
  • All grades will be on a raw point system. There will not be weighed quizzes and tests.
  • If there is a medical excuse from a doctor, the student will be exempt until he/she is cleared by the doctor.
  • Parental notes will be evaluated on the nature of the medical concerns. Adaptation to an activity may be possible. Days of abstention from the class as a result from a parental note may involve the notification to the school nurse, guidance personnel, and principal.
  • Opportunities will be available on certain days for make ups.
  • Classroom behaviors and curriculum expectations are passed out to each student when he/she is assigned to my class. I require the parents to sign off on the papers so that the parent(s) will know what is expected or required of the student along with the school and class policies.
  • Contact: school phone number: 724-375-7765 (listen to the prompts) 

Email: [email protected]































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