Ms. Vukson

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Ms. Vukson

A little about me...

A little about me...
Welcome to 6th and 8th grade Art. I am the new Art teacher for the Junior High School at the Hopewell Area School District. I attended St Vincent College for Studio Arts/Graphic Design, Carlow University for my degree in Art Education, and California University for my Masters in Special Education.

My Classroom Philosophy focuses on developing lifelong learners and responsible citizens for a global society. It is the  partnership with the community which provides learning experiences that nurture the uniqueness of each child and promote happiness and success.  

Rules of the Art Room-

Be on time for class
Raise your hand to speak
Clean your area when finished

Grading scale- Projects are graded into four 25% sections.
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F

Please feel free to contact me with any questions @ Extention 4503
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