Good News - December 2022

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Good News - December 2022

December 2022 & January 2023

Our Hopewell High School Vikings continue to demonstrate their purpose, passion, and pride in many ways! We are proud of all of our Vikings!!! These are our highlights this month!

Teacher and Student News

Our Hopewell High School Students, Delysia Jackson, Sharon Chen, and Lily Weber were contestants on KDKA TV Hometown Hi Q…look for the show in reruns. Unfortunately, they did not win and will not continue on to the playoffs.

Congratulations to Diego Sanchez for being named December Student of the Month at the Beaver County CTC. Diego is attending the Culinary program! Congratulations Diego- way to make Hopewell proud!

Hopewell High School hosted the Beaver County Youth and Law Enforcement Discussion for our Hopewell Students. This program has been held in many high schools across Beaver County. The following individuals are working together to coordinate this program for Hopewell High School Michael Allison, HHS Principal; Chief Don Sedlacek, Hopewell Police Department; Shon Owens, Director, Men and Boys Initiative, Franklin Center; SRO Officer Jared Rogers, HPD; and the Beaver County Community and Law Enforcement Coalition. This discussion and assembly included a diverse cross section of our students engaged in candid conversation between HHS Students and Local law enforcement officers on December 13, 2022 from 1:00 until dismissal in the HHS Auditorium.

Mrs. Dufalla reported that Hopewell High school Forensics Club members along with administrators visited Hopewell Elementary School during December to read holiday stories and everyone had a great time.

HHS Freshman, Allison Honeywell placed 5th in the county for Academic Games Propaganda. This is her first qualifier for national competition in Orlando!!!

On January 13, five Hopewell HS students represented our district at PMEA District 5 Chorus Festival at Seneca Valley IHS: sophomore Katelyn Biskup, sophomore Aleena Gray, sophomore Alex Schwartz, sophomore Sarah Shelton, and junior Luke Ujhazy. Students performed a rigorous program of choral music and sounded excellent!

On January 20, four Hopewell HS students will represent our district at PMEA District 5 Junior High Chorus Fest in the Ninth Grade Chorus at Seneca Valley IHS: freshmen Ann Claire Fueller, Khloe Walter, Brenden Weidaw, and Kylie Zito. The concert is a choral pop tribute to the late Don Hixon, chorus director for Western Beaver and Farrell districts. Mr. Keiper will accompany the choir on electric guitar in the adult rock band!

On January 28, senior Isabella Timpano will represent our district at PMEA Districts 2, 3, and 5 Orchestra Festival at Brookville HS. She is performing on first trumpet. She will compete for a spot at Western Region Orchestra. Good luck, Bella!

Our Mock Trial Team has started competitions this week. Mrs. Kelly Tocci, a local attorney coaches our team.

Plaintiff side:
Defense Side:
Gillian Morse
Gillian Morse
Ethan Pletcher
Ethan Pletcher
Tanner Nelson
Mackenzie Kloss
Allison Honeywill
Ryan Vukovcan
Khloe Walter
Brody Haswell
Desiree Sheperd
Kylie Zito

Our schedule is as follows: PLAINTIFF January 11 th v. Ambridge. DEFENSE January 17 th v. Blackhawk DEFENSE February 6 th v. Lincoln Park PLAINTIFF February 8 th v. Beaver

Our Mock Trial team won against Blackhawk last night, Jan. 17th. So proud of the defense team: Gillian Morse, Ethan Pletcher, and Mackenzie Kloss - lawyers. Ryan Vukovcan, Kylie Zito, and Brody Haswell - witnesses. Best advocate - Gillian Morse and Best Witness - Ryan Vukovcan.

HHS was proud to welcome a visitor from the North Pole as Tall Santa Claus visited the High School on the day before our holiday break and he participated in our staff and student performed holiday show.

All students enrolled in the Child Development course earn certificates on becoming a Safe Sleep Ambassador through the Cribs for Kids education outreach program. The program emphasized the importance of Safe Sleep Education and to disseminate it effectively throughout communities. Students committed to sharing the Safe Sleep Message with at least three (3) other people in their day-to-day life to promote the health, safety, and well-being of infants.

In December FCCLA sponsored a Princess Tea Fundraiser. Haley Stough planned the event in which 44 children attended. At the event children rotated through several different stations including: manicures, princess hairdos and makeup, designing a tiara, and decorating a cupcake. FCCLA provided a souvenir tea cup along with pink lemonade. Ten FCCLA chapter members volunteered at the event to make it a true success. The FCCLA chapter members had so much fun they want to host another tea party!

Additionally FCCLA attended Hopewell's Light Up Night at the park. We sold hot chocolate, offered face painting, and assisted at the cookie decorating station.

Mrs. Aloia received two grants through the Beaver County Educational Trust. The first one will provide the resources to purchase five air fryers for the food’s lab. Each kitchen will now have an air fryer for students to use. We are planning to use the air fryers to prepare a variety of vegetables for students to sample. It's also going to be a great way for students to learn a variety of cooking methods since the air fryers are multi-purpose. The second grant will be providing the materials for students in FCS to sew pillowcases for the Jars of Hope Inspired by Caroline program. The organization sends jars full of little toys, crayons, bubbles, stickers, and so much more to children battling a variety of illnesses. The jars are personalized for each child and they also receive a handmade pillowcase.

Athletic News

HHS Competitive Spirit Team participated in the WPIAL Championships at Hempfield High School on January 7th , 2023.They finished in the top 5 2A schools and qualified for the PIAA Championships at the Giant Center in Hershey and will compete there on January 27, 2023. Good luck for a great routine!!!

Boys Swimming is currently 5-1 and enjoying a successful season.

Varsity Wrestling secured a tie for section championship along with Freedom and Central Valley.

Girls Basketball won two games at the Laurel HS Holiday Tournament and Lauryn Speicher was named to the all tournament team.

HHS Viking Pride Vikings of the Month

December Vikings of the Month
Grade 12: Lawrence “Sonny” Kazanzale
Grade 11: Jack the Viking McGrail 
Grade 10: Alyssa Spang 
Grade 9: Lacie Slavinsky

January Vikings of the Month
Grade 12: Joshua Frank 
Grade 11: Elizabeth McDonald 
Grade 10: Firida Khudiyeva 
Grade 9: Khloe Walker

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