World Literature 12

Hopewell Area SD: Master Facility Planning Process Update
The Hopewell Area SD is notifying the school district community and public that the district-wide 2024 Facility Master Planning Process will continue during the month of October at each of the public School Board meetings scheduled for October 8 and October 22. Both meetings will take place in the Hopewell Senior High School Auditorium beginning at 7PM. Please view the superintendent's letter attached below for details. This letter and all information and presentation video recordings outlining the process can be found by selecting the 2024 Facility Master Planning Process menu link on the main web page below. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of that page to find the latest information and the letter attached herein.

October 8 -School Board Meeting, 7PM HS Auditorium where a review of final options presented on June 11 will occur once again to update the public. Recordings of the June 11 and the October 8 video presentations are now available on the website link.

October 22 -School Board Meeting, 7PM HS Auditorium where the School Board is expected to formally vote on a school facility option. Identifying a school option will then allow administrators to create a plan with a longitudinal timeline to accomplish the selected Board option.  

Home  \  Teacher Pages  \  Gustafson, Kate  \  World Literature 12

World Literature 12

Course Description

This course is a college preparatory class that utilizes a college textbook. Students will read, discuss, and analyze literature from ancient times to Shakespearian time from around the world. The emphasis will be on classic literature and its influence on modern literature. 

Critical thinking and analysis will be stressed through in class discussions, timed writings, and literary analysis papers. 

Group and individual projects will be assigned. Oral presentations will be mandatory.  The English Computer Lab and library will be utilized.

No late work will be accepted unless a student is absent or there is a family emergency. Students should see me to discuss these issues. 

It is the student's responsibility to see me upon returning to school after an absence.  Students will have equal to the number of school days absent to make-up any work missed. If the work is not made-up or arrangements are not made to make-up the work within an agreed upon time, the student will receive a zero for the assignment.

Make-up tests and quizzes cannot be taken during class time since students would then miss an additional day's instruction.  Students can come before school, during a study hall, during lunch (They may eat while making up work.), or after school with prior arrangement.  
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