Academic English 9

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Academic English 9

Course Overview and Rules

All handouts and assignments will be posted on Schoology.  Please refer to Schoology if you are missing and/or lose an assignment, handout, or packet.  

Online Textbook Information

Follow the link below to access your textbook online. There is no need to carry the huge book home!

This is a website to help students learn unit vocabulary by creating games using the words.  
Please click on the hyperlink above to practice unit vocabulary!

This course combines the study and analysis of literature through reading, class discussion, objective tests and quizzes, individual and group projects, and essays.  We will be studying various genres of literature including the short story, poetry, drama, and the novel.  Keystone skills in reading comprehension and vocabulary, along with grammar, writing, and revision will be emphasized.  Students will participate in class discussions, individual and group projects, presentations, and learn to better use technology. 

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