Pre-Alg (6th)

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Pre-Alg (6th)

Class Overview:
This is a 6th grade honors Pre-Algebra course.  The course focuses on expanding Algebraic concepts and preparing the students for Algebra I.  In class, students are often required to apply their learning to many different real world situations.  The students must be able to think critically and explain how they solve various complex problems.  

The course is broken down into 2 components.  The first part of the year is dedicated to the 6th grade material from the everyday math curriculum.  The goal is to identify and cover the necessary skills needed to handle Pre-Algebra.  The second part of the year focuses more on Algebraic concepts. 


Grades are based on total points.  Every assignment, quiz, test, project, is assigned a set amount of points based on length and difficulty.  Grades are determined by dividing the total points a student earned by how many points were possible.  That number is then converted into a percent by multiplying it by 100.

Homework assignments are normally worth 2 points each.  A student receives full credit for turning in a complete assignment on time.  Students may turn in complete late homework for half credit up until the test for that chapter.  After a chapter test has been taken, no further make up work will be accepted for that chapter.
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