Communicable Diseases

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Communicable Diseases

Should your child stay home from school?

Should your child stay home from school?

Every effort should be made for a student to stay in school. The following information is intended to help determine when a student should be sent home from school early or not attend school:

  • The student has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher.
  • The student has white spots that can be seen in the back of the throat OR there is significant redness in the throat OR if a fever is present; the student should be sent home and referred to a doctor.
    • If the student complains of a slight sore throat and has not had other symptoms, the student may remain in school.
  • A new rash or "spot" that shows signs or symptoms of infection. The parent should be contacted and consult with a doctor.
  • The student has diarrhea and/or vomiting due to illness. The student should stay home from school for 24 hours or until the student can keep food down.
  • The student has been diagnosed with a communicable disease. The student must follow the communicable disease guidelines.
  • If a student has a toothache: Contact parent/guardian and refer to a dentist if necessary.
  • If a student has an earache: Contact parent/guardian and refer to a doctor if necessary.
  • If a student has a persistent medical complaint: Contact parent/guardian and refer to a doctor if necessary.

Communicable Diseases Procedures

Chicken Pox

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) 

Fifth Disease 

Lice Procedure
Strep Throat
Monkey Pox

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