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This PDF is the complete guide for any college-bound student-athlete.  Be sure to review this guide throughout your high school career to ensure you meet the necessary requirements to participate in college athletics.  The guide will help you determine the appropriate courses,the corresponding GPA's, as well as other important qualifications.

NCAA Registration Quick Tips 
Attention all students anticipating participation in Division I or Division II athletics at the college level:
You must register with the NCAA Clearing house starting mid-June after your JUNIOR YEAR.  There must be six completed semesters on your transcript.  The Clearing house evaluates your academic record to determine if you are eligible to participate as a student athlete.  Applications (Domestic Student Release Forms) must be submitted on-line.  The cost is $65.00 (You are eligible for a fee waiver by school personnel if you were eligible for a fee waiver for the SAT/ACT). 
Instructions for completing on-line form: 
  1. Go to or click the link above.
  2. From the home page, click on "Prospective Student Athlete"
  3. Click on "Domestic Student Release Form"
  4. You must have a minimum of 16 academic core courses units for Division I and 14 for Division II *.  Note that students planning to attend an NCAA Division II institution will be required to complete 16 core courses
  5. Hopewell's school code is 390042
  6. Print the completed registration form and keep for your records.
  7. Print and sign Copy 1 and Copy 2 of the transcript release form.
  8. Give bother copies of the transcript release forms to Hopewell's office secretaries.
  9. You must have your SAT/ACT test cores sent directly from the testing agency.  Enter code 9999 when registering for the test.  
Refer to the student guide above for more detailed information and what forms are required.
Contact information 

 NCAA Clearinghouse 1-877-622-2321
 NCAA 1-317-917-6222
Contact your guidance counselor or athletic director if you have any further questions.  We would be happy to help! 
It is your responsibility to check that you have the required core courses, correct number of credits and minimum SAT/ACT scores! 
* Important to Note
  • Algebra IA and Algebra IB are counted as 0.5 credits each year for NCAA purposes
  • The lowest grade to be used for course credit is a "D"
  • The GPA used is based on core courses only
  • Look at the SAT/ACT & GPA Sliding Scale at the eligibility center website
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