Mrs. Wertz-Third Grade

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Mrs. Wertz-Third Grade

Welcome to Third Grade!

Welcome to Third Grade!

My name is Monique Wertz.  I absolutely love teaching at Independence Elementary because it feels like home.  Both of my children attended elementary school here and I was the PTA President years ago.

I truly believe that education is the cornerstone of our society and I am passionate about teaching.  I look forward to an amazing year with your children. 

Class Overview

In reading and language arts, students will be given individualized instruction through guided reading.  Guided reading is small groups of students who demonstrate similar behaviors reading appropriately-leveled text.  The McGraw-Hill Wonders series will also be used as a supplement.  This program is aligned to the Pennsylvania Core standards.  The students will be assessed in a variety of different ways including a graded cold-read test.  The cold-read assesses the skills taught as well as comprehension on a story they have not read before.  This test also has a constructed response question which allows the students to compose their own written work.  Emphasis will be placed on vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and written response.
Spelling consists of 21 words each week.  Fifteen of the words will follow a specific spelling strategy with the remaining six being review/challenge words.
Math instruction is provided through the Everyday Math series.  Students will practice basic fact acquisition as well as learn concepts related to measurement, algebraic concepts, and geometry. Science and social studies are pass/fail subjects in third grade.  Science instruction is hands-on with many opportunities for experimentation.  
The Hopewell Area School Grading Scale is as follows:
A -   90% - 100%
B -   80% - 89%
C-    70% - 79%
D -   60% - 69%
E -    0 %- 59% 


Students are responsible for writing down homework into their planners.  Planners should be signed nightly by a parent or guardian and will be checked by their homeroom teacher.
Homework that is not turned in will be completed during recess time.

Classroom Expectations

Our class has five basic rules:
1.   Listen to and follow directions the first time they are given.
2.  Respect others at all times.  Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind comments to yourself.
3.  Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.  Do not interrupt.
4.  Follow all classroom procedures.
5.  Always come prepared to class. Have homework, books, and supplies ready.
If students choose not to follow the rules, they are given a reminder and then a verbal warning.  If the behavior continues, the students will be awarded a negative Dojo point. Other consequences include loss of recess or referral to administration. Dojo points will be earned for positive interactions as well.  Periodically, students will be able to exchange their Dojo points for prizes.
The class as a whole can also earn marbles into the marble jar for receiving compliments or other outstanding displays of behavior.  The marbles are collected in a jar and when the jar is full, the class receives a reward.


I welcome your comments, feedback, and insight.  Only by working together can our children achieve academic success.  Please don't hesitate to contact me at 724-375-6691 x6103 or [email protected].  I look forward to hearing from you!


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