Grandovic, Michele

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Grandovic, Michele

If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time. -Billy Joel

Contact Information

I can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone at 724.375.6691 ext. 2300.


I have been a Learning Support Teacher at Hopewell High School for the past 12 years and I love, love, love teaching my students.  I have worked both in public and private education over my teaching career.  My passion is educational excellence.  I love writing and receiving grants that benefit my students and the Hopewell Community. 
Duquesne University
M.S. Elementary School Administration
Principals' Certificate Grades K-12
Special Education Certificate K-12
Eastern Kentucky University
B.S. Elementary Education
Kindergarten Endorsement

Class Rules and Expectations

Grandovic's Classroom Rules and Expectations
Be Polite
Be Respectful
Be Considerate of Others
Arrive on Time
Complete Assignments
Be Prepared to LEARN! 

Grading Practices

Grading Practices

Course Syllabus - Corrective Reading

Course Description:
   SRA Corrective Reading is a complete program that utilizes the direct instruction method to help students master the essential decoding and comprehension skills that students need not only to read well, but also to learn.  Corrective Reading builds competency, leaves no one behind and provides strong reinforcement using a point based system based on realistic goals to reward hard work.
   There are two major strands of the Corrective Reading Program: decoding and comprehension.  Within each strand, there are four (4) levels.  Placement tests individually administered determine level placement.  The SRA Corrective Reading Program is designed to ensure careful progress of skill development from level to level.

Course Syllabus - Service Learning

What is Service Learning?

Service Learning is a form of experiential learning and teaching that achieves course objectives while meeting an identified community need.

Experiential Learning is a hands-on form of learning by actually “doing something”.

Service Learning includes time spent in reflection, reciprocity, and class discussion.

Service Learning is intended to be very interactive.  Students will be asked to accept more responsibility and to become effective thinkers and problem solvers.  

Service Learning is an integral part of the academic course that they are taking. Students are required to step outside the “academic walls” of sitting in class listening to lectures.  Students become actively involved in their learning process.  



Identify your community partner

Collaborate with others

Act - carry out your activity/project

Reflect - on all aspects of the activity/project

Evaluate - how did it go/what changes would/should be made/share activity/project with others. Celebrate!





Encourages students to become more involved in their own education beyond reading a book, attending a class, and taking a test.

Increases students’ awareness of their biases, prejudices, and stereotypes toward others.

It provides hands-on practical experience at an off-campus setting that introduces students to a new environment to learn new skills and meet new people.

It provides an excellent resume-builder and networking opportunity for career development and job-hunting.

It provides opportunities to learn “real world Manner”

Principles of Service Learning

Communication and Problem Solving Skills

Students must develop the ability to read, write, speak and listen effectively.  They must also use information resources and technology to be successful.

Critical Thinking

Students must develop the ability to analyze information and ideas carefully and logically from multiple perspectives.

Integration and Application of Knowledge

Students must develop the ability to utilize information and concepts gained from studies in multiple disciplines at school, work and home. 

Intellectual Depth, Breadth and Adaptiveness

Students must show a thorough understanding of at least one field of study and must be able to compare the methods used in their field to the methods used in other fields.

Understanding Society and Culture

Students should recognize their own cultural traditions while gaining a broader knowledge and understanding of other cultures.  

Values and Ethics

Values and ethics play a critical choices students make in life. Students should develop a sense of values and ethics to be able to make informed choices.  


Service Learning is intended to be interactive.

Students will accept responsibility and become effective thinkers and problem solvers.

Much of the assessment is qualitative.

Students are asked to reflect on their experiences. 

Pre and Post assessments will be conducted.   





Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

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