College, University, Technical School and Military Preparations

Hopewell Area SD: Master Facility Planning Process Update
The Hopewell Area SD is notifying the school district community and public that the district-wide 2024 Facility Master Planning Process will continue during the month of October at each of the public School Board meetings scheduled for October 8 and October 22. Both meetings will take place in the Hopewell Senior High School Auditorium beginning at 7PM. Please view the superintendent's letter attached below for details. This letter and all information and presentation video recordings outlining the process can be found by selecting the 2024 Facility Master Planning Process menu link on the main web page below. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of that page to find the latest information and the letter attached herein.

October 8 -School Board Meeting, 7PM HS Auditorium where a review of final options presented on June 11 will occur once again to update the public. A video recording of the June 11 presentation is available on the web page link.

October 22 -School Board Meeting, 7PM HS Auditorium where the School Board is expected to formally vote on a school facility option. Identifying a school option will then allow administrators to create a plan with a longitudinal timeline to accomplish the selected Board option.  

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College, University, Technical School and Military Preparations

This PDF is a presentation that was given by the Guidance Department in regards to preparing for college.
This site enables you to search for colleges and universities based on many different criteria including SAT/ACT test scores, location, housing, sports, tuition, and many other important factors.. 
Southwest Corner Workforce Development provides information on youth programs, certified training providers and programs that prepare individuals for high priority occupations.

11th Grade Checklist



  • Remember that your grades this year are extremely important! Aim for your very best!
  • Fill that schedule! Take as many academic courses as possible.
  • Take the PSAT. This year is the year that will qualify you for the National Merit Scholarship!
  • Attend a College Fair. College fairs have representatives from colleges, universities, technical schools and the military ready to help answer your questions. Check with the guidance department. Look in your local newspaper and on line for the college fair closest to you. Some fairs offered are at CCBC in collaboration with Penn State Beaver; Robert Morris University in collaboration with Moon High School and Duquesne University at the A.J. Palumbo Center
  • Check out the dates for SAT and ACT and become familiar with the registration process. Dates are posted on the guidance website as well as in the guidance office and outside of the cafeteria.
  • SAT information, and registration, can be located at
  • ACT information, and registration, can be located at
  • Community service and extracurricular activities are increasingly important to colleges and universities so… GET INVOLVED! They will look at the entire picture of who you are and what you do!!!
  • Consult with your counselor about Early Admissions.
  • Begin to investigate, gather and send for information on the schools you are interested in.
  • Use the district website to see the latest postings.
  • Review college/university/technical schools and the United States military websites and look at acceptance criteria.
  • Begin collecting information for your activities checklist and put together a resume or vita for your future interviews.




  • Check registration deadlines for SAT and ACT tests.
  • Meet with your counselor to discuss senior year courses. Inquire about
  • Advanced Placement/Honors courses.
  • Plan to take as many academic classes as possible in your senior year. Once again, fill your schedule!
  • Once you have your PSAT results, review PSAT book/answers to prepare for the SAT’s.
  • Discuss your plans with your parents/guardians, teachers and mentors.




  • Make a list of possible colleges, universities, technical schools and the United
  • States military branches and have at least one “safety” school where you know you will be accepted.
  • IF needed, ask teachers if they would write a letter of recommendation for you. If they agree, ask if they would do so over the summer or in the fall.
  • Take SAT and/or ACT test.


Summer 11th Grade


  • Take a few road trips and tour the top five schools you feel best match your wants and needs. It is a good idea to include a “sure bet”, two “good prospects” and a “reach school”. Call ahead to the admissions departments to set up a tour.
  • Prior to visiting, set up an interview with an admissions representative with your on campus visit and ask that your parents/guardians be able to meet with the financial aid department.



12th Grade Checklist



  • Register for the SAT/ACT as early as possible. Check with guidance for test and registration dates as well as registration procedures.
  • Complete an activities checklist to include with application and give to counselor.
  • Check college, university and technical schools and the United States military websites for further information including such things as applications, financial aid, and housing deadline dates.
  • Refer to the scholarship newsletter which is issued monthly and posted in your homeroom, for scholarship opportunities. Hopewell Scholarship newsletters are also available in the guidance office, posted outside of the cafeteria on the guidance bulletin board and on the Hopewell website.
  • Utilize the internet to search for additional scholarships. Remember: NEVER PAY FOR SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION!!! Applications and information on all credible scholarships are free of charge.
  • Review and use booklets available in the guidance office.
  • Begin completing your applications now!
  • Gather copies of your family's most recent tax forms, bank statements, and your W-2 form. You will need this information to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in October.




  • Visit schools, and talk to military representatives if you have not already done so.
  • Complete a FAFSA after October 1. The FAFSA is the basis for all the financial aid that may be offered.  Even if you don't think you and your family would qualify for financial aid, all universities and trade schools require you have one on file. 
  • FAFSA should be processed within 4 weeks.  You will then receive a SAR (Student Aid Report) via mail or email. This will give you a good estimate of the aid for which you qualify.
  • Submit applications and recommendation forms to counselor and teachers for completion of their sections. Allow one to two weeks for this process so make sure you give them ample time.
  • In order to have your transcripts sent to prospective colleges, you must complete a transcript request form in the main office or on the Hopewell website.
  • Continue completing your applications. Many schools require essays. Allow yourself enough time to do your best on these. Ask an English teacher to proofread your essay.
  • Double check the student portion of the application to ensure it is completed thoroughly and accurately. Ask someone else to look it over for you before sending it in.
  • Meet the application deadlines!
  • Keep copies of all sent applications.
  • Allow at least 5 days for your high school guidance office to send high school transcripts and applications to your school choices.



  • Continue scholarship search and application process.




  • Start looking for acceptance letters and financial aid award letters.
  • Evaluate options and make selection.
  • Complete scholarship search.
  • Take AP exams.


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