Barr, M.A.

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Barr, M.A.

B A R R ' S H O U S E


   American Literature 11 familiarizes students with the genre-short stories, novels, historical documents, and speeches-beginning with the first explorers in 1490s, continuing to the modern day. Students make historical connections to the text, and their US History 11 course, realizing any authors’ work is influenced by the occurrences and events in their time period.     
   Authors read include: Alvar de Vaca, John Smith, Mark Twain, A.E. Poe, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Shirley Jackson, Robert Cormier, Annie Dillard and JD Salinger. The drama
The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is a school-board mandated element.
   Students also brush up on grammar, root words, vocabulary, and writing skills with mini-lessons presented through the readings. This prepares students to for state testing while interacting with a wide scope of literature and skills that will be useful in their future endeavors.
     Keystone American Literature 11 familiarizes students with the same literary genres and skills as my traditional American Lit 11 class, but focuses on "brushing up" skills and vocabulary needed to advance to proficient on the state test. This is done through discussion, study of how the test is constructed, vocabulary interation, and practice with test-designed questions. Any student who does not pass will then be required to complete an intensive state-created project. Passing this test or completing the state project is required for graduation from HHS. 
      OVERALLMy students have access to any work performed in class or assigned by going online to the Google Classroom. It is a student’s responsibility to retrieve that work and turn in assignments on time if class is missed.

     Student must also be responsible and ask for help. I provide help through school email, before school-starting at 6:40am through homeroom, after school-by prior arrangement, and during lunches, or study halls if possible. “I do not understand” is never an acceptable reason to not have work completed or fail. 

Needed Student Info

Day-to-Day Housekeeping
1. EVERY student is responsible for checking Google Classroom (GC) for work/make-up work. It is found at: or can be accessed through the free app. 
2. Grades are based on straight points including participation, in addition to classwork and/or homework.
3. LATE work is worth 0%.
• If in the building, but not in class (field trip, early dismissal, rehearsal, sport, gifted/IEP meeting, TOC, etc.) students are still responsible for: work covered, assigned, and/or turned in that day, or it is late. Zero.
• Place homework in the basket that is clearly labeled.
• Work not turned in by the time I retrieve it from the basket is late. Period. Zero.
• If a student is on vacation, work is due the day following the student’s arrival back to class, or it is late. Zero. UTILIZE GC.
4. INCOMPLETE work is worth 0%. 
• Don’t understand the work? You are responsible for asking.
• Don’t ask? You are responsible for the grade earned. Zero.
5. Extra credit does not happen. If students fail to complete assigned work, there is no reward.
6. Plagiarism, using others’ work to complete yours, communicating or phone use during tests, using unapproved materials and copying others’ homework is unacceptable.
• Cheat on an assignment/assessment for the first time? Zero.
• Copying others’ work? Zeroes for EVERYONE involved.
• Cheating on an assignment/assessment a second time? ZERO for the 9 WEEKS.
7. Work covered and assigned is on Google Classroom. Students are responsible for joining the class, and checking for and retrieving missed work.
• TOC and OSS students are responsible for retrieving THEIR OWN ASSIGNMENTS and completing assignments ON TIME. UTILIZE GC.
• One day of make-up time is given for each day missed when absent from class due to illness or other personal reasons.
• For EXTENDED absences, please UTILIZE GC.
• Any work not made up in the given time is a 0%.
• Retrieve, ask questions about, and complete missed work before or after class-NOT DURING.
Day-to-Day Behavior
1. Be prepared. Needed materials will be posted on my classroom door and on G C.
2. Place unneeded items UNDER your desk with your PHONE IN THE NUMBERED POUCH at the front. 
3. Be a contributing member of our society. Disrespect/rudeness is not be tolerated*.
4. Be appropriate. Harassment & slurs are sent to office-no questions asked*.
5. Be in class before the late bell rings. Not in class? Have a pass. No pass? No admittance.
6. NO electronic devices while I am instructing. I’m more interesting than a phone. I see it. I TAKE IT. 1st time=returned. After 1=office.
7. Be neat and clean.
8. Be an adult & ask for help. NO EXCUSES! NO EXCEPTIONS! Adults advocate for themselves.
9. Hall pass use is limited. Medical issues? Please, see the nurse.
10. Show ALL faculty respect. Respect all paraprofessionals and visiting faculty or face disciplinary action*.

Barr's Bio

As a HHS alum had I known that I would eventually return, I would have laughed until I snorted! 
My post-secondary schooling: 
  • University of Pittsburgh Main, English
  • Geneva College, Secondary Education 
My varied instructional experience includes:  
  • LTV Steel
  • C.L.A.S.S. Academy
  • Beaver Countywide Summer School  at CCBC
  • Big Beaver Falls High School

Projected date of FINAL graduation from HHS:

  • The Class of 2031

Other Random Details:

  • I prefer one name, like Cher...or Bey...or Satan. Barr. 
  • Nothing official (yearbooks, faculty lists, email, copy machine, etc.) correctly spells/spelled my first name. 
  • I'm infamous for the pot of coffee that I drink daily. Before 5th period. (Shhh, dont tell, but it's decaf!) 
  • When I grow up, I want to be Carmen Sandiego. Right now, Europe is my hot spot. 
  • I always have THE BEST homeroom in the building.  THE BEST. 
  • If you have been in my class you know that:  It's going to be NICE! God BLESS America! Please have the good sense God gave a cat! Soooo, back at the ranch...that's a horse with a whole other cowboy! 
  • Yes, I DO live in Pittsburgh, and drive to Hopewell everyday "just to teach!"  (Yes, I also go grocery shopping! CRAZY!)
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