Complete One of the fitness sessions from the links below
Join Joe Wicks every day Monday - Friday for a live workout called P.E. with Joe at 9 am on his YouTube
channel. The
workouts are specifically designed for kids! His goal is to get kids moving, fit, energized, positive,
and optimistic.
Choose your own Activity Workout
If you have a game, activity or skill that gets you moving and is not listed complete the activity
for at least 30
Having so much time on our hands now means that we can truly dive in to our passions and get in shape.
If you are getting fit at home, I'm officially cheering for you! Keep it up!
Activites may include, but are not limited to:
- Biking
- Treadmill
- Elliptical
- Jogging
- Body Weight Exercise
- Your choice of exercise videos (Insanity is a good one!)
- Working on a sports skill individually (dance, gymnastics, dribbling drills, etc.)
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