JHS Physical Education

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JHS Physical Education

Physical Activity Logs
  1. Pick a physical education workout to complete each time for your physical education class! 
  2. Look through the Google Site to pick your workout(s). 
  3. Each Workout has various links for you to pick from and complete. 
  4. After Workout is complete, please complete the form at the bottom of this webpage to report your activity to your teacher.

Activity Log Form

Harry Potter Workout

Complete This workout AT LEAST 2x through. You may choose to do different characters each time, or the same one(s). You may take a one-minute water break in between.

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Dance Workout

Please complete 3 dances from any of the links below

Many more dance videos in each group can be found by clicking the "More Videos" button

Blizwick Videos

More Blyzwick Videos

Jason Runk Videos

More Jason Runk Videos

Brandon Herwick Videos

More Brandon Herwick Videos

Benjamin Pirillo Videos

More Benjamin Pirillo Videos Back to Top

Kid-Themed Workout Videos

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Yoga Workout

Complete One of the Yoga sessions from the links below

Many more dance videos in each group can be found by clicking the "More Videos" button

More Cosmic Kids Videos
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Fun Active Activities Workout

Complete Two of the activities from the links below to complete the Fun Active Activities Packet

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At Home Physical Activities

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Fitness Workout

Complete One of the fitness sessions from the links below

Join Joe Wicks every day Monday - Friday for a live workout called P.E. with Joe at 9 am on his YouTube channel. The workouts are specifically designed for kids! His goal is to get kids moving, fit, energized, positive, and optimistic.

More P.E. with Joe Videos
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Choose your own Activity Workout

If you have a game, activity or skill that gets you moving and is not listed complete the activity for at least 30 minutes.

Having so much time on our hands now means that we can truly dive in to our passions and get in shape. If you are getting fit at home, I'm officially cheering for you! Keep it up!

Activites may include, but are not limited to:

  • Biking
  • Treadmill
  • Elliptical
  • Jogging
  • Body Weight Exercise
  • Your choice of exercise videos (Insanity is a good one!)
  • Working on a sports skill individually (dance, gymnastics, dribbling drills, etc.)
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