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West Nile Virus Sampling Notification (9-3-24)

During routine sampling on August 20, 2024, the BCCD detected a positive sample of West Nile virus in mosquitoes near the Independence Elementary School’s sewage plant.  Per BCCD, this location has been a regular testing site since the early 2000s.

***While this news is concerning, please know that there are no reported cases of illness in our school.

Superintendent's letter sent to families is attached along with Safety Data Sheets provided by BCCD for product used during after-school treatments.

Superintendent Letter: Nile Virus Sampling Notification.pdf

Safety Data Sheet Information for Treatments Completed by BCCD on 9-4-2024:
PermaSease 4-4 SDS.pdf
PermaSease_Specimen-Label-4-4 (2).pdf
Vectobac 12AS SDS.pdf