Medication Administration Guidelines

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Medication Administration Guidelines


Students are not permitted to keep medication on themselves, in lunch boxes, lockers, or purses. Exceptions are EPI-Pens or Asthma Inhalers with parent permission and Physician documentation.

Daily Medications

All medications that need to be taken during school hours must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian in the original pharmacy container. The Medication Administration Consent Order Form and Licensed Prescriber/Physician Medication Order Form must be turned in prior to the school nurse dispensing medications.

Standing Orders: Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen

In the Junior High School and High School there are standing orders written by the school doctor for Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. A student may obtain the above medications from the school nurse if parent/guardian permission is indicated on the health history form.


At the Junior High, any student receiving Acetaminophen via standing order for 3 consecutive days or 10 doses in a school year will automatically have the standing order discontinued.


At the Senior High, any student receiving Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen via standing order for 3 consecutive days or 10 doses in a school year will automatically have the standing order discontinued.

Once discontinued, a prescription for Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen must be received from the student's family physician to receive the medication.  

Sunscreen Forms
  • Section 1414.10 states that a school entity shall allow the application of sunscreen during school hours, at a school-sponsored activity, or while under the supervision of school personnel.  Forms must be completed and returned to the school nurse. 
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